artwork pastels pencil logo


warhammer eagle fantasy 40k sci-fi

warhammer eagle fantasy 40k sci-fi

warhammer eagle fantasy 40k sci-fi


swamp pastel charcoal watercolour art

warlock logo art warhammer steampunk

artwork title Pastels

Pastels are probably my favourite medium, although unfortunately they do not scan or photo very well! The actual pictures are ofetn a lot brighter and with more clear colours and lines, with a greater variety of tones and shading than is picked up on a pc.

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These pictures should give a basic idea of my work, but I would encourage anyone to pick up the pastels and have a go, only then will you see how amazing these really are.

This is a photo of a pastel drawing of lancaster Castle. The colour is captured better in this 'work in progress' shot.

fantasy lancaster castle pastel art

These pictures use oil pastels! They're fun to use but hard to create accurate colours. These are experiments more than anything!

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This Fisherman. This picture was created by drawing with oil pastels then dripping various watercolours onto wetted paper. I like the wet overall effect, as though it has been painted then and there in the rain. It is a rough and ragged, spur of the moment picture which is why it's one of my favourite.

The tribesman above was created using oil pastels and black ink dripped on afterwards.

Did I mention that pastels don't scan well? I think I did. Anyway, these kind of problems often lead artists down new and interesting routes. Although I do not like digital art, all my delicate efforts to produce these pictures were not in vain, as with a few twiddles on photoshop created some really unique effects.

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